Sentient Toaster
Our boredom typed up and published to the internet for your enjoyment.
Our Beloved Mascot, Spokesperson, and P.R. Representative

Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Finals man
I regret to inform the billions and billions of fans that currently read and enjoy this blog, that I have been neglectful of my blog-child. I'm sure you are already aware, since I know that there are just hordes of people rushing to their computers every morning to check what magical madness has sprouted from my brain. I apologize to anyone who has lounged across there living room, knocking over any and all furniture/people/wild animals in their path, and made it to this wonderful blog only to find that nothing has been changed in the last 3 months. I was going to post a comical picture illustrating my neglect of my poor, poor blog-child, but then I, like the idiot I am, googled neglect and am now scarred for all eternity. Instead, I have decided that I will give you the beginning to a wonderful story, and you will follow this link, or this one, which ever strikes your artistic fancy. My plan is to give you all something to think about, hoping to teach you a little about yourself, or just give you a reason to let your mind wander, either way, I've decided that I'm not going to give you a beginning to a story because I'm lazy. I'm going to try very hard to post more often, but again, I'm an idiot and I forget which in case you were not aware, is code for "I don't care about you guys, so you can go chew on bears ear."
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Long post is loooooonng
On 9/11 my English teacher had my class write a free verse poem about war, I was asked to type it and share it, so here goes.
Bright yellow desert,
spanning as far s the eye can see.
The sun, rising overhead,
heat waves dancing across the sand
Silhouettes of a team of soldiers
Carrying a wounded brother across the hellish heat.
The soldier,
a poor man,
a bullet in his leg.
bleeding out across the desert.
The scent of gunpowder,
still clinging to their ragged fatigues.
Ringing in their ears,
the sounds of battle, and cries of men.
Heavy breathing, the men exhausted in the beating sun.
The team rests.
Laying for quite sometime.
They would drink, had they any water.
Dry lungs, draws in more dust than air.
The men cough,
forcing out the horrid, scorching dust.
Across the horizon,
miles away,
an encampment lies.
The occupants eagerly await.
Waiting, waiting for the return of their fellow soldier
A Lieutenant, standing on a milk crate,
peering out across the desert.
Sending out flares,
in hopes the lost team will see.
Suddenly, a lout burst, and another, and another.
Signaling the group still alive.
Soldiers cheering, yelling for the friends.
The lieutenant pointing off into the distance
signaling a humvee to collect the men.
The lost teams salvation,
creeping across the desert.
The lost team, stumbling across the desert after the flare,
like that of the three wise men.
A cloud of dust.
The slight hum of an engine.
The team's savior tops the hill
The mens minds full with thoughts.
Thoughts of life, of home, and of family.
Don't judge I know it's bad.
Alright guys, its time to take a break from routine and bring a post that I hope you will all enjoy. It will not make you laugh, at least I hope it doesn't but then again, I know the kind of people who would enjoy this blog.... and..... yeah whatever. A friend of mine has made it known to me that she has been struggling through some rough times at school and throughout her day recently. It seems, that apparently their are actually perfect people in this world. Can you believe that? Man, technology these days sure has come along way when we can create people who have absolutely nothing wrong with them. Throughout my life, I've been bullied and I've been judged, because as you all don't know, I have a bit of a weight problem. But, I have no social skills whatsoever, and these people the "perfect people" I was speaking about, they've called me names they've teased me, I fortunately have never been beaten up because of it, and to those who have, I am truly sorry, I wish only the best for you. But the people who view themselves as perfect, and illustrate it by pointing out the "flaws" in others, they are the weird ones, they are the ones who need to change, not the people being bullied. In my life, I've learned that normal is a relative term, in the context of people, normal means nothing, a "normal person" is like an armadillo with wings..... they don't exist. As someone who gets bullied, look around at your life, see the people who see themselves as normal, see he they act, and realize that they are jealous, they are jealous of the confident people, they wish to be like you. They wish they had the confidence that you do. Thats why they put you down, they think if they break you they win. Never let them win. Don't give up, never wish yourself to be anything other then who you are.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Trying something different.
I haven't really posted anything on my own in a while. And to be quite honest, I have no idea what I should blog about this time. But, I thought I'd just type until I can't stand it anymore and get up to make some popcorn and pass out while watching Fight Club. This might suck, and this might be pretty awesome...Either way, it's the best I can do so far, and it's not like many people read this anyway, so who's counting? Anyway, here I am in my mildly uncomfortable chair listening to Alice In Chains, with that gnawing voice in the back of my head telling me that I should be doing something else. I'm not getting any ideas, just feel like I should be doing something besides this. Don't know why...Can't explain it, but oh well. I'll stay right here until I figure out what it is I should be doing. But odds are, by then it'll be too late. So I imagine I'll simply fall into bed, and sleep until the late morning. Eat some ramen, go work out, then work my shift at Subway and come right back here to my chair. My own personal little command center. Seriously, I've got this computer I'm typing at, my stereo right above that, my phone on the desk in front of me, and an Ipad on the bed behind me playing something like 5FDP, Pantera, Nonpoint...You get the idea. Hang on, be right back. I do believe I hear a sandwich calling.
>>> Exactly 8 minutes and 34 seconds later<<<
Aaahhh! Grilled cheese!! Who doesn't love a delicious grilled cheese sandwich every now and then? Or, I guess, three in my case. But, I couldn't find any tomato soup! Everybody knows that grilled cheese is ALWAYS better with tomato soup. Know what else goes good with tomato soup? Bacon! Bacon goes good with anything. There does not exist a meal that would not be improved with the addition of bacon. Fried eggs? Check! Spaghetti? Check! Birthday cake? Check! Any other cake? Hmmm...NOPE!! If it's not a birthday cake, then what's the point? With birthday cake, then there's candles and icecream, and a small chance that there is a huge pile of presents that you get to unwrap later on. But if it's just a regular cake, then there is none of these amazing things of which I have just spoken. Err, typed...Whatever!! But I'm thinking this year for my birthday I want a pie. Actually, A couple of pies. A Pumpkin pie, and a cherry pie! Because everybody does cake, and I love pie! But since they appear to be a seasonal food, I can only ever find them between the months of November and January...Which SUUUUCKS!! That's why I love the holiday season so much. I've got Halloween exactly 7 days before my Birthday, then there's Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years!! So much candy and food and gifts and letters and relatives and...Actually, I just remembered why I'm so relieved when the season is over. SO...MUCH...OF...EVERYTHING!! It's like, On Thanksgiving, you make a ham, turkey, or both. Then you make sandwiches out of those leftovers until Christmas. Then you make sandwiches out of THOSE leftovers until Easter. Not that I don't absolutely adore sandwiches, but enough is enough.
Hey!! I just had a thought! What if for some reason civilization collapsed and all the electricity, water, and internet just stopped working. Right now. Forever. With no chance of getting turned back on. How long would it take for people to begin looting and pillaging? For the first week or so I'm sure we'd all just kind of do our best to maintain our routines as best we can. But what about when we realize that our lives are probably never going back to normal? How far would people go to survive? Would gun store owners board themselves up and cling to their stock in the hopes that stuff starts working again, or would they switch themselves into survival mode and begin trading weapons and ammo for things such as food, boots, etc. Would supermarket owners hoard all their food and lock themselves away, or would they begin trading their canned goods for things such as guns and ammo? And as for your average white-collar working man. What would he do? His lifestyle thus far has depended on electricity, gasoline, and the internet. Odds are he's never fired a gun in his life. Never had to argue over something. Never been in a fight. Would he cower in his room and hope for a swift and painless death, or would he improvise? He's got this huge briefcase that used to hold reports. Now it can hold ammo, knives, first-aid kit, and enough food for a couple of days. Maybe he'd act on instinct and do whatever benefits him the most in each situation he is confronted with, or maybe he'd stay in "Civilized" mode and get eaten by his neighbors. Either way, it doesn't matter what happens to him, because if he dies, it meant something else survived. The other guy just wanted to survive more than our "Joe" wanted to survive. How far would you go to survive? What would you do to ensure your survival and the survival of your family, if you happen to have one. Would YOU allow yourself to die, if it meant your daughter would live? Even if you did sacrifice yourself, what if she doesn't want survival as much as a hungry coyote she encounters, and you're no longer there to protect her? Think about this stuff. It's relevant. It just might happen one of these days.
Wow! That was pretty impressive. I had no idea there was so much I wanted to say. Well, I hope you all enjoyed reading my thoughts as I was actively thinking them. And if you didn't, no fair complaining, because nobody forced you to read this far :D
Well, I'm off to bed. I think. Maybe I'll make that popcorn I was talking about earlier. Hmmm...That reminds meee...
>>> Exactly 8 minutes and 34 seconds later<<<
Aaahhh! Grilled cheese!! Who doesn't love a delicious grilled cheese sandwich every now and then? Or, I guess, three in my case. But, I couldn't find any tomato soup! Everybody knows that grilled cheese is ALWAYS better with tomato soup. Know what else goes good with tomato soup? Bacon! Bacon goes good with anything. There does not exist a meal that would not be improved with the addition of bacon. Fried eggs? Check! Spaghetti? Check! Birthday cake? Check! Any other cake? Hmmm...NOPE!! If it's not a birthday cake, then what's the point? With birthday cake, then there's candles and icecream, and a small chance that there is a huge pile of presents that you get to unwrap later on. But if it's just a regular cake, then there is none of these amazing things of which I have just spoken. Err, typed...Whatever!! But I'm thinking this year for my birthday I want a pie. Actually, A couple of pies. A Pumpkin pie, and a cherry pie! Because everybody does cake, and I love pie! But since they appear to be a seasonal food, I can only ever find them between the months of November and January...Which SUUUUCKS!! That's why I love the holiday season so much. I've got Halloween exactly 7 days before my Birthday, then there's Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years!! So much candy and food and gifts and letters and relatives and...Actually, I just remembered why I'm so relieved when the season is over. SO...MUCH...OF...EVERYTHING!! It's like, On Thanksgiving, you make a ham, turkey, or both. Then you make sandwiches out of those leftovers until Christmas. Then you make sandwiches out of THOSE leftovers until Easter. Not that I don't absolutely adore sandwiches, but enough is enough.
Hey!! I just had a thought! What if for some reason civilization collapsed and all the electricity, water, and internet just stopped working. Right now. Forever. With no chance of getting turned back on. How long would it take for people to begin looting and pillaging? For the first week or so I'm sure we'd all just kind of do our best to maintain our routines as best we can. But what about when we realize that our lives are probably never going back to normal? How far would people go to survive? Would gun store owners board themselves up and cling to their stock in the hopes that stuff starts working again, or would they switch themselves into survival mode and begin trading weapons and ammo for things such as food, boots, etc. Would supermarket owners hoard all their food and lock themselves away, or would they begin trading their canned goods for things such as guns and ammo? And as for your average white-collar working man. What would he do? His lifestyle thus far has depended on electricity, gasoline, and the internet. Odds are he's never fired a gun in his life. Never had to argue over something. Never been in a fight. Would he cower in his room and hope for a swift and painless death, or would he improvise? He's got this huge briefcase that used to hold reports. Now it can hold ammo, knives, first-aid kit, and enough food for a couple of days. Maybe he'd act on instinct and do whatever benefits him the most in each situation he is confronted with, or maybe he'd stay in "Civilized" mode and get eaten by his neighbors. Either way, it doesn't matter what happens to him, because if he dies, it meant something else survived. The other guy just wanted to survive more than our "Joe" wanted to survive. How far would you go to survive? What would you do to ensure your survival and the survival of your family, if you happen to have one. Would YOU allow yourself to die, if it meant your daughter would live? Even if you did sacrifice yourself, what if she doesn't want survival as much as a hungry coyote she encounters, and you're no longer there to protect her? Think about this stuff. It's relevant. It just might happen one of these days.
Wow! That was pretty impressive. I had no idea there was so much I wanted to say. Well, I hope you all enjoyed reading my thoughts as I was actively thinking them. And if you didn't, no fair complaining, because nobody forced you to read this far :D
Well, I'm off to bed. I think. Maybe I'll make that popcorn I was talking about earlier. Hmmm...That reminds meee...
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Anyone else ever feel like this?
I was thinking today. Many bands are similar. In fact, many bands today, are (in some respects) modern versions of older bands. Not exactly alike, but very similar to each other in several ways. Almost like doppelgangers in those “Parallel Universe” movies. So, here is what I think that an assortment of older bands would have been if they were around today.
Alice Cooper = Marilyn Manson. They each wore outrageous costumes, sing about sex and drugs, and generally being terrible humans and having the time of their life!
2. Nazareth = Audioslave. Each one sounds EXACTLY alike the other as far as drum beats, guitar distortion and riffs, and the singers high/scratchy voice.
3. Tears for Fears = Muse. Similar integration of electronic into otherwise rock style music.
4. David Bowie = 3 OH! 3. Tried too damn hard.
5. Nine Inch Nails = Nine Inch Nails. Been around since the 80s, still going strong :D
6. Clash = Jet. They both always sing about just having fun. You can’t listen to their music without wanting to get up on your feet and do a little soft-shoe.
7. Pink Floyd = Tool. ‘Nuff said!!
8. Van Halen = Five Finger Death Punch. Edgy/loud styles of playing, pretty hard metal for their time, and really cared about their fans.
9. Black Sabbath = Avenged Sevenfold. Both sing about the Bible, God, Satan, Heaven/Hell, always seemed to side with Satan and Hell.
10. The Eagles = Guster. Mostly acoustic, generally nice styles of playing, always pleasant to listen to.
11. Gorillaz = Depeche Mode. Successfully odd mix of various genres consisting of electronic, rock, and sampling.
12. Skinny Puppy = Dope. Both hit the metaphorical “industrial nail” RIGHT on the head, with an absolutely flawless combination of synth, metal, screaming, and rap.
13. Motley Crue = Black Tide. Alright, I know most of you probably haven’t heard of Black Tide, but go listen to them for a while, and you’ll see why.
14. AC/DC = Buckcherry. Both pretty much southern rock that most people enjoy listening to. I don’t care for AC/DC, but they are very similar to Buckcherry.
15. Metallica = Drowning Pool. Each sang about killing EVERYONE! And no matter who you are, your parents hate both of them.
16. Ted Nugent = Pantera. No, not because Pantera covered “Catch Scratch Fever”, but because they’re both southern metal that just loves to play.
17. Beastie Boys = Limp Bizkit. Very successful rap bands that were actual bands, not just one guy. And they’re both good at TASTEFULLY rapping about sex, drugs and generally not having a care in the world.
18. Def Leppard = Saliva. Pretty good for their times, not everyone’s heard of either, but those who have really enjoy just about everything they play.
19. Talking Heads = KoRn. Just…Seriously…WTF?!
20. Huey Luis and the News = Blink 182. Come on, it’s fun to listen to!
21. Credence Clear-Water Revival = 3 Days Grace. Yeah, you just gotta trust me on this one…
22. Blackfoot = Trapt. Who?
23. Steppenwolf = Emphatic. I love them both, but no matter how hard I try, I can’t find their albums in any store.
24. The Police = Green Day. Annoying as HELL!!
25. The Beatles = Disturbed. I know, that’s a stretch, but hear me out. Everybody knows both, most people love both, regardless of whatever music you primarily listen to, odds are there’s at least 3-4 songs that you know and love.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
It's October!
Yay! Everyone loves October, except people who don't..... Anyway, basic overview of this month. Pretty cool post coming in a few days that my brother and I have been writing for a while, might put out one about zombies, and I'm not sure what I should write my PSA about, so comments? if I use your idea, you won't get any kind of reward, but it will be like a internet-highfive and I will mention you at the end of the post letting people know that your some kind of genius blogging robot of knowledge or whatever. Also puuuleeeezzz follow us on twitter, the more followers we have, the more inclined I will be to "tweet(?)" more often, and the more often you will see blog posts, so it helps everyone when you follow us, because everyone loves new blog posts, check us out. See you all around, stay on drugs don't do school, or something
Friday, September 2, 2011
The start of something new
Boredom, is God's way of saying "Get off your lazy posterior and go jogging or read a book and maybe learn something." But, if you are reading this you are aware of the fact that I have found a loophole in this system, I am neither learning or getting any healthier sitting here writing this, I'm not even getting paid for this, so why do I do it? Boredom, that's why.
Boredom in the Workplace
Often people become bored when they are forced to spend 8 hours a day using a computer in an obscenely huge cubicle farm, with a boss that has similar qualities to this:

Synergy? Isn't that the new Chinese restaurant down the street?
As a lowly naive high school student, I have not yet entered the professional world, as such, I honestly have no idea what I'm talking about, but I do have a part time job, but it involves manual labor in a condition with no A/C or an office fridge. So I believe I have the right to gripe.
Boredom in School
School, in my opinion, is to much, to often, for to long. Let me "Splain" as my English teacher would say. (I'm pretty sure a english teacher saying "Splain" is the equivalent to a preacher saluting hitler, but lets not dwell on the negatives) School, as I said before, to much, to often, for to long, I have come to this conclusion because of several reasons:
- School lasts on average between 6 and 7 hours out of the day
- They often start anywhere from 7:00 to 8:00 (My school starts at 8:00)
- School generally consists of 8 Periods, each about 45 minutes to an hour long, I think, this is too much information being taken in at one time from too many different directions to efficiently learn anything.
- School ruins your day. My High School lets out at 3:30 every day, the buses run, and I am not home until 4:00 4:30, Athletics is last period, so I am routinely exhausted when I get home, so I know have exactly 5 hours to rejuvenate before I must sleep, I say 5 hours because if I do not fall asleep by 9:30, I will fall asleep walking from class to class.
"Wait, what does that have to do with boredom?" ooh you clever guy! I have yet to mention boredom, because of this influx of information coming from 8 different subjects in the course of hours, your mind decides that it doesn't want to play nice anymore, so it shuts off, and decides that the little shoe scuff on the floor is the most important thing in the room and your mind must focus on it. Trent Reznor could walk in and start handing out free dark chocolate, and your mind would not let you take your eye off of the mark on the floor. I think schools should aim more into the "Learn what you enjoy" type of learning. I enjoy computers, engines, and taking things apart, I plan to attend MIT and get a degree in Mechanical Engineering, because of my goals in life, I don't really need to know that the land between the Tigris and Euphrates River is called Mesopotamia, or that FDR created the New Deal. I mean sure, its good to know about the history of your country and the geography of the world, so you don't look like a complete idiot, but really, theres a point where if you are showing no promise in becoming a cartographer or archeologist, where you could lean into more fitting subjects.
Boredom at Home
Picture this: You made it through high school without having a mental breakdown, you've been at some crappy community college for a while now. Not long enough to have made any friends, but long enough to where you can easily come up with an excuse to live in your parents house for a few days. You call your parents, there on a cruise to alaska and won't be home for 2 weeks! So you have free reign of the house. The first few thoughts that run through your head are "Party" "Booze" "Good Time" and then you remember that you have no friends, and your girlfriend is 1200 miles away at another college actually preparing for life in the future. So, for the first 3 days you sit around, catch up on some Mythbusters that your parents have on their DVR, eating ramen noodles. Then you look to your left, you see a pile of crushed Mountain Dew cans, you look to the left and see a bag of Cheetos on the floor, spilling over, the chips falling over at that awkward point where ou think they will stay if you pick up the bag, but 35 little shafts of cheese will come blasting out at the slightest touch. You see all this, and you think to yourself "What am I doing? I have nothing to do, no job no responsibilities, nothing." So, you grab your keys and head for the door, you drive around for 45 minutes looking for some cheesy sports bar. You finally find one that doesn't look like Satan himself is managing it and you go in buy a few drinks, and the next thing you know, you're passed out on the floor in a puddle of your own pee/vomit(You neither know nor care) When you finally wake up, your head is splitting like a quart of firewood, and the sound of your socked feet almost silently falling on the wood floor of your parents bathroom is like a C-130 full of prison inmates, and you decide you will never do that again. Then 3 or 4 days later, the cycle starts over, until you go back to college and those lulls where there is nothing? There is homework and sucking up to teacher. There is no known cure to boredom in the home, except for you know, starting a blog and complaining about, which seems to work alright for me.
Ladies and Gentlemen, boredom is no joke, it is a serious problem, that needs to be researched and cured. Wether or not that is possible is debatable, but until a decision is made, I recommend you to read my blog, comment, follow me on twitter, and tell every, single, one of your facebook friends, in person, about my blog. That right there should take about quite a bit of your time. Have fun, and don't forget to drink plenty of water, I defiantly don't need my free advertising falling into an everlasting slumber* on me.
*I used those colorful words because I for the life me cannot figure
out how to spell the -ing form of the word die, don't you just love English?
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