In case anyone reading this lives under a rock, which is under a bigger rock, I would like to inform you of the horrendous wildfires going on right now in Texas. From what I've understood every single county in Texas is being affected by said fires, except two. The county I live in, which happens to have about three or four fires inside it surrounding the podunk town I live in, seems to be getting the shaft in all this fire business, I was grocery shopping a few days ago, and there was more smoke flying aroundthen on the intro to CSI: Miami, and anytime you walked outside, your nose holes would be invaded by a smell that can only be described by the words Balrog farts. this being said, there was one plus to all this mess, SHADE!!! Never has there been a shadier day other than that time the spartans smarted off to the persians, there was so much smoke, it literally blurred the sun, until it looked like a little tangerine in the sky.

Exhibit A. The Sun
I'm going to put a picture of a Balrog, just because its awesome
"It's so fluffy I'm gonna die" -Agnes
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