Our Beloved Mascot, Spokesperson, and P.R. Representative

Our Beloved Mascot, Spokesperson, and P.R. Representative

Sunday, October 2, 2011

It's October!

Yay! Everyone loves October, except people who don't..... Anyway, basic overview of this month. Pretty cool post coming in a few days that my brother and I have been writing for a while, might put out one about zombies, and I'm not sure what I should write my PSA about, so comments? if I use your idea, you won't get any kind of reward, but it will be like a internet-highfive and I will mention you at the end of the post letting people know that your some kind of genius blogging robot of knowledge or whatever. Also puuuleeeezzz follow us on twitter, the more followers we have, the more inclined I will be to "tweet(?)" more often, and the more often you will see blog posts, so it helps everyone when you follow us, because everyone loves new blog posts, check us out. See you all around, stay on drugs don't do school, or something

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